This bad hombre just voted for the nasty woman. In the words of President Obama, “there has never been a man or a woman — not me, not Bill, nobody — more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America.” I have observed Hillary over the past two decades, not… Continue reading Hillary Clinton for President of the United States
Category: Hillary Clinton
“Rigged Election” Rhetoric is an Affront to American Democracy
Just when we think the presidential campaign can’t get any uglier, Donald Trump begins undermining the integrity of the American electoral system. Make no mistake, his claim that the election is rigged and suggestion that he may not recognize the result are an affront to our Constitution. Since George Washington, we’ve always had a peaceful… Continue reading “Rigged Election” Rhetoric is an Affront to American Democracy
If You Voted For Romney And Care About Hillary’s Emails, You Are A Hypocrite
If you voted for Governor Romney for president and believe Hillary’s emails disqualify her, you are a hypocrite. End of story. Read no further. And if you think Hillary should be locked up for her email abuse then you should also demand that President George W. Bush get life in prison. When Governor Romney left… Continue reading If You Voted For Romney And Care About Hillary’s Emails, You Are A Hypocrite
Is Hillary Clinton is Too Polarizing?
Some of Hillary Clinton’s liberal or Democratic opponents worry that she is too polarizing and her favorability ratings too low for her to be a good general election candidate. I felt the same way in 2008 when I cast my primary vote for Barack Obama. I wanted someone who would help bridge the divide in American… Continue reading Is Hillary Clinton is Too Polarizing?