The Tyranny of Gross Wealth Inequality

In a 2012 General Conference address, Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, expressed concern about “the ever-growing gap between the rich and poor.” Elder Ballard’s concern about gross wealth inequality has been shared by many of his predecessors. Elder Orson Pratt… Continue reading The Tyranny of Gross Wealth Inequality

Stop Subsidizing Walmart: Raise the Minimum Wage

A recent study of Wisconsin’s Medicaid program revealed that Walmart ranked first on state’s list of Medicaid enrollment by employer. In other words, Walmart employees in Wisconsin comprise a plurality of the state’s Medicaid recipients. Altogether, a single Walmart Super Center costs Wisconsin taxpayers about $900,000 per year in poverty subsidies for its employees, such… Continue reading Stop Subsidizing Walmart: Raise the Minimum Wage

Putting the ‘Conserve’ Back Into ‘Conservative’

During my freshman year at BYU, a conservative friend of mine tried to explain to me why recycling, and caring for the environment in general, were scripturally unsound practices. He cited the LDS Doctrine and Covenants Section 59 verses 16 to 19, which, in a nutshell, indicate that the Lord provided all of the natural… Continue reading Putting the ‘Conserve’ Back Into ‘Conservative’

Church Leaders’ Political Opinions Aren’t Official Doctrine

In past decades, there have been a few General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have been outspoken on American politics. Some Church members frequently quote from these politically outspoken former General Authorities in order to justify certain right-wing political views, often implying a doctrinal quality to such views, and,… Continue reading Church Leaders’ Political Opinions Aren’t Official Doctrine

Political Neutrality – Church Website

Since we constantly are barraged with questions in regards to the Mormon Church’s stated political positions, this should serve as a reminder: The Church’s mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, not to elect politicians. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is neutral in matters of party politics. This applies in… Continue reading Political Neutrality – Church Website

The Church Needs a Two Party System

“I also support what has been said by the Brethren–that it is in the interest of the Church to have a two-party system and not to have one party that is exclusively LDS and the other party exclusively non-LDS. Both locally and nationally, the interests of the Church and its members are served when we… Continue reading The Church Needs a Two Party System

Sage Election-Year Counsel from the First Presidency

Each election year, the Church predictably issues statements affirming its political neutrality, which I find both refreshing and reassuring amid all of the mingling of scripture with the philosophies of men that we see in many churches. A few decades ago, during a presidential election season, President Hugh B. Brown of the First Presidency stated… Continue reading Sage Election-Year Counsel from the First Presidency

No Politics in Church!

Have you ever been in a Church meeting where someone, a speaker in sacrament meeting, or a teacher or student in Sunday School, Priesthood, or Relief Society, makes a blatant political statement? Perhaps it was only a facetious but degrading comment about a particular Obama Administration policy. If it occurred a few years ago, it… Continue reading No Politics in Church!

Church Counsels Against Enforcement-Only Approach to Immigration Reform

About a year ago, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints issued a statement affirming principles of a balanced and common-sense approach towards immigration reform. In June 2011, the Church issued a much more specific statement on immigration, specifically calling for “compassion” when considering what to do with the roughly 12 million undocumented immigrants… Continue reading Church Counsels Against Enforcement-Only Approach to Immigration Reform

The Church’s Political Neutrality

During the last Presidential election season, I wrote the following letter to the editor, which was printed in a prominent newspaper: Lost amid the hype about Mitt Romney’s religion speech and Mike Huckabee’s surge is a story about a church that, unlike most contemporary Christian organizations, does not participate in partisan politics. The Church of… Continue reading The Church’s Political Neutrality

The Church Supports Common Sense Principles of Immigration Reform

Unfortunately, I’m still mired in a ridiculous amount of school work, so this will be a short post. I wanted to highlight the following press release from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which demonstrates the Church’s support for principles of reasonable immigration reform in the “Utah Compact.” As you will notice, the… Continue reading The Church Supports Common Sense Principles of Immigration Reform

“Ground Zero” Mosque

The Eleventh Article of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints states, “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.” [emphasis added] It is frankly shocking and disappointing… Continue reading “Ground Zero” Mosque

A Renewed Call for Civility from LDS Church Leadership

During the most recent LDS General Conference, we heard yet another call for civility in our public dialogue. Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stated, “many in this world are afraid and angry with one another. While we understand these feelings, we need to be civil in our discourse and… Continue reading A Renewed Call for Civility from LDS Church Leadership

LDS Church Going Green

Lest one thinks being environmentally-conscious is only a “liberal” idea, the Church recently announced a pilot program where the roofs of new chapels are fitted with solar panels. In announcing the program, Bishop H. David Burton of the Presiding Bishopric stated, “for decades we have looked for innovative ways to use natural resources in our… Continue reading LDS Church Going Green

Complications with Criminalizing Abortion

In the previous post, I demonstrated the LDS Church’s political neutrality on the debate over the government’s role in regulating and criminalizing abortion, even as the Church emphasizes the sanctity of life and counsels its members not to obtain elective abortions. Those who believe in criminalization of elective abortion (the pro-life position) should consider the repercussions… Continue reading Complications with Criminalizing Abortion